Small Groups
Small groups are the heart of the Dillon Vineyard. We laugh together, serve together, and grow together. When you participate in a group, you enter into family life, and in our family, we press into the truth of God’s word, worship, pray, serve, and care for one another. In groups we make friends and find community.
Small Groups:
Mondays: Young Adult Dinner Group - 1st Monday of the month. Sharon Novitski
Mondays: Munday/Wood Home Group - 7pm every other Monday. Brent & Sally Munday
Mondays: Bowman Home Group - 7pm every other Monday. Matt & Jody Bowman​​
Tuesdays 6:30pm: Bible & Bugs Fly tying and bible study. Mark Worden.
Wednesdays 12:00: “Ladies Fellowship” - Bring a lunch! Deborah Mantha.
Youth: Wednesdays 6:00-8:00PM 6th-12th grade. Stephen Knight
Wednesdays 6:15-8:15PM: Alpha Course- Got questions about faith? Join us for dinner and discussion! Pastor Jamie
Thursdays 7:00AM: Men’s Prayer Group at the church. Pastor Karl​
Fridays 6:30PM: 1st & 3rd Fridays of the month. Pastor Karl